Project Portfolio


The Rhinelander Apostolic Fellowship website is a site that I have designed and maintain. For more information about this project and other projects I did using HTML and CSS click here.

RAF Website Example 

Java Projects

I completed several Java projects during the course of my studies at Nicolet. In these classes I practiced skills including GUI, SQL, classes, objects, methods, arrays, exceptions and decision structures. For more information about these projects click here.

Example of a Java Project

Database Design

The Pat’s Pizza Point of Sale program is an example of a software system I designed for a final exam that combined HTML, CSS, PHP, and MySQL skills.  I also was able to practice working with FTP using FileZilla and space on a hosted web server provided by the college. For more information about this and other database  projects click here.

Example of a PHP project

Python Projects

I explored the basics of the Python language including lists, tuples, files, exceptions, functions, repetition and decision structures. For my final project in the class I created a math game to demonstrate the skills I learned while studying this programming language. For more information about this and other Python projects click here.

Example of a Python Project

JavaScript Projects

In JavaScript I worked with functions, objects, arrays, DOM, classes, and event handlers. For more information on some of the projects I did using JavaScript click here.

JavaScript Example